Saturday, September 30, 2006

I'm not soft!

Well maybe a little. I pulled my adactor muscle in my thigh playing touch rugby. It wasn't even dramatic, like I was tackling a guy, but I must have twisted it dodging. So now I am getting physio and so far have had two sessions of ultrasound. And I have 3 bruises which are kinda purple now. The physio's advice was no running and no touch rugby. So I just went to laser force against Joe and Justin's life group today. There was no way I was going to miss it!

It's been a pretty cool week including including good times several 'study dates' which have actually been quite productive. I realise that all I needed was someone to hold me accountable and vice versa. It's really encouraging cos I feel like I am getting back on track with the final goal of carving exams, yes Chris even Econ 302. But in saying that, I had an oral last monday which I spent an hour only preparing for...on the day. And it wasn't even on an easy topic. I chose to do a presentation on the brain development in young children. Somehow, my German got me through, a skill I definitely wouldn't have if not for the exchange! And I wrote my 1500 word essay on friday (the day it was due). Oops!

On another note, I am excited for my grandma. I never really knew whether she believed in God because she grew up in Guangzhou, China and she has this small buddha on her cabinet in her house. But since my aunty and uncle have been following Jehovah's Witness, a chinese lady comes to see her a couple of times a month to share the good news. And it's cool cos it's just stuff about Jesus and how he loves her and has a place for her in heaven. My grandma had a really tough life, and for that I have always admired her courage for leaving China without saying goodbye to her family, her hope despite never knowing what happened to her younger brother who disappeared, and just this inner strength and determination and sometimes stubborness (which could be a family trait haha). And what is awesome is that God has really been with her the whole way and provided her with an amazing chance to escape to a better life in New Zealand. Reminds me of this psalm:
Psalm 18:34-35
He trains my hands for battle
my arms can bend a bow of bronze
You give me your shield of victory
and your right hand sustains me.
You stoop down to make me great.

Anyway, this lady from JW told her that when the world ends, she will be young again and will be able to run. She will see her family. My grandma told my mum that she can't wait for that day. And it makes me so happy that she has been given this peace and something to look forward to.

Well, I am off to bed. Hope everyone remembers to put their clock forward an hour.


At 11:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jacqui! I found your blog yay! :)Hope your legs getting better! Then you can play touch again, woohoo! Good to see your studies on track, I'm making myself go to the library tomorrow, might see ya there. Oh yeah, I still have to see you photos from overseas sometime!
Tootles :D

At 4:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jaq! Jess here. yay youve got a blog!!!! hehe youre funny with your bung thigh and doing laserforce anyway. I was devestated to hear you girls lost;-). Love ya lots! Keep studying hard! im doing some procrastination right now;-)...

At 12:49 AM, Blogger Jacqui said...

Jess, I played touch today, you know just to test whether my leg was okay. I thought I could handle it. Even though the physio's advice was no touch this week. By the end of the game I was, well lets just say it was real tough game for me. I just pushed myself too hard. I may just be on the sideline tomorrow. so I say!


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